We specialize in comprehensive supplies of raw materials and materials for enterprises in Russia operating in various industries, carry out construction works, and provide services in the field of freight transportation

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Over 20 years of experience, we have gained valuable expertise that enables us to successfully apply cutting-edge technologies and approaches in various fields

Thousands of tons of metal were delivered
Thousands of tons of metal structures were produced
Thousands of tons of cargo were transported
projects have
been implemented

The main types of activities
of our company

Сomprehensive supplies

Transportation of oversize and heavy cargo

Metal structures

Drilling operations

Буровая машина
Перевозка грузов

A comprehensive and individual approach to each client allows us to offer the most advantageous conditions when ordering a turnkey project

We provide comprehensive material supplies -> manufacture metal structures -> deliver them
with our own transport to the installation site -> perform work on the construction of pile foundations ->
assemble the building's structure

Contact us

Our company has been involved
in over 40 large-scale and
significant projects

The construction of pile foundations for special structures using bored piles with a diameter of 620 mm and depths up to 25 m.

Our projects

Designing drawings for metal structures, manufacturing and supplying metal frame structures for buildings. Construction of pile foundations for special buildings and structures using bored piles with a diameter of 800 mm and depths up to 25 m.

The construction of pile foundations for retaining walls, installation of fencing for excavations using auger and cut-off piles with a diameter of 800 mm and depths ranging from 15 to 30 m.

The Krasny Bor toxic industrial waste landfill

The airport complex at the Levashovo airfield

Construction of the third and fourth main lines on the Moscow-Tovarnaya-Smolenskaya-Moscow-Butyrskaya section

Transportation by road from Belgorod to Novocherkassk of metal structures weighing
6827 tons for the assembly of the frame of a unique boiler plant building with
a cooling tower height of 75 meters for the construction of the 9th power
unit of the Novocherkassk GRES

Organization of delivery of the boiler plant building frame for the construction of the 9th power unit of the Novocherkassk GRES

Проектирование чертежей КМД, изготовление и поставка металлоконструкций каркасов зданий. Устройство свайного основания фундаментов специальных зданий и сооружений из БНС диаметром 800 мм, глубиной до 25 м
Устройство свайного основания фундаментов специальных сооружение из БНС диаметром 620 мм, глубиной до 25 м.
Устройство свайного основания подпорных стен, устройство ограждения котлованов из буросекущих и бурокасательных свай диаметром 800 мм, глубиной от 15 до 30 м
Перевозка автомобильным транспортом по маршруту Белгород - Новочеркасск металлоконструкций в количестве 6827 тонн для монтажа каркаса уникального здания котельной установки с ЦКС высотой 75 метров для строительства 9 энергоблока Новочеркасской ГРЭС

Three things make a nation great and prosperous: fertile soil, active industry, and ease of movement
of people and goods

Francis Bacon, English philosopher, historian, and political figure, 1561-1626
Let's discuss your project
Write to us, our specialists will answer all your questions promptly
Ivkin Alexey Nikolaevich,
CEO of Steelcom LLC
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to the personal data processing policy
Three things make a nation great and prosperous: fertile soil, active industry,
and ease of movement
for people and goods
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We specialize in comprehensive supplies of raw materials and materials for enterprises in Russia operating in various industries, carry out construction works, and provide services
in the field of freight transportation
Contact us
Let's discuss your project
Write to us, our specialists will answer
all your questions promptly
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Phone number
By clicking send, you agree
to the personal data processing policy
Сообщение об успешной отправке!
Over 20 years of experience, we have gained valuable expertise that enables us to successfully apply cutting-edge technologies and approaches in various
Thousands of tons
of metal were delivered
Thousands of tons of metal structures were produced
Thousands of tons of cargo were transported
have been implemented
The main types
of activities
of our company
Сomprehensive supplies
Metal structures
Drilling operations
Transportation of oversize and heavy cargo
A comprehensive and individual approach
to each client allows
us to offer the most advantageous conditions when ordering
a turnkey project
We provide comprehensive material supplies -> manufacture metal structures ->
deliver them with our own transport to the installation site -> perform work on the construction of pile foundations ->
assemble the building's structure
Contact us
Our company has
been involved
in over 40 large-scale and
significant projects
Our projects
The Krasny Bor toxic industrial waste landfill
Designing drawings for metal structures, manufacturing and supplying metal frame structures for buildings. Construction of pile foundations for special buildings and structures using bored piles with a diameter of 800 mm and depths up to 25 m.
The airport complex
at the Levashovo airfield
The construction of pile foundations for special structures using bored piles with a diameter of 620 mm
and depths up to 25 m.
Construction of the third and fourth main lines on the Moscow-Tovarnaya-Smolenskaya-Moscow-Butyrskaya section
The construction of pile foundations for retaining walls, installation of fencing for excavations using auger and cut-off piles with a diameter of 800 mm and depths
ranging from 15 to 30 m.
Organization of delivery of the boiler plant building frame for the construction of the 9th power unit of the Novocherkassk GRES
Transportation by road from Belgorod to Novocherkassk of metal structures weighing 6827 tons for the assembly
of the frame of a unique boiler plant building with
a cooling tower height of 75 meters for the construction of the 9th powe unit of the Novocherkassk GRES
View all projects
Three things make a nation great and prosperous:
fertile soil, active industry,
and ease of movement
of people and goods
Francis Bacon, English philosopher, historian,
and political figure, 1561-1626
Let's discuss your project
Write to us, our specialists will answer all your questions promptly
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By clicking send, you agree
to the personal data processing policy
Three things make a nation great and prosperous: fertile soil, active industry,
and ease of movement
for people and goods
Ivkin Alexey Nikolaevich,
CEO of Steelcom LLC
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